This morning has been spent searching through the remainder of sales shops have to offer..
how cute are these items from Lauren Conrads range?
I found them on never ordered off there, not even sure if they ship to the U.K but they are affordable and super cute so I thought I'd share them with you.
I love the scallop detailing on the blazer, although it had rubbish reviews for quality.
Lilac shades are currently on my radar, a colour I have despised for many years but I find I have grown quite a liking to it. this may be a good thing or bad, still undecided...
What do you think of this dress? Do you think you could give it a home?
p.s i'm putting together a give away in my head. p.p.s it looks awesome.
so spread the word of cause as soon as we hit 50 followers its going live!
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