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Monday, February 13, 2012

instagram: week 02



|| egg & soldiers || Boo's Valentines Gift || too true ||
|| freaky scratch attack || cute converse AW || mmm, cookie ||
|| owl stickers || apprenticeship! WOO ||

instagram: week 02 a day late as my silly Blogger app doesn't seem to function *sigh* does anyone else have problems with the blogger app? Anyway round up of my week, has been a pretty awesome and hectic week - hence not having daily posts - met up with old friends and went for lunch various times, went out for a meal with my boyfriend to celebrate his 21st and give him his awesome gift! Went out on the weekend with the girls! wearing minimal clothing, I'm so used to this cold temperatures that my body has adapted to shorts and t-shirt in 3 degrees weather. I received the best e-mail ever last Thursday and I will be starting an apprenticeship soon, YAY. Tomorrow is Valentines day, I can't wait to give my little sister her present!


  1. I must say, I hardly use the Blogger app because there isn't a huge amount you can do on it! I'll just use it if I think of something suddenly that I can mention in a post so use it as a notes system so I don't forget. x

    1. it is pretty useless, which is a shame! i only use it too upload photos from my phone/instagram :)
