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Friday, May 25, 2012

boohoo: the shoe edition

all above from boohoo *

So this is the shoe edition to the Boohoo LBD competition I won, I was going to call it the final edition but I sent a few things back so there will be new things to come when my return gets processed. I am a shoe lover, so treating myself to 4 pairs of shoes, for free might I add, was heaven. 

1. I am in love with anything mint coloured at the moment, the pastel trend may be my favourite. So when I saw this slippers I knew I would be ordering them, they are super comfortable and if any one owns a pair of topshop vectras they are similar to them but the curved bit covering the toes is a bit longer.

2. I was in dire need of new sandals, my Primark tan gladiator sandals survived two summers but have been chucked away as they were battered. I have been looking at ones similar to these on eBay, and thought why pay for them when I could get them free? The toe post has cut the inside of my toe, but I haven't worn toe post sandals for almost a year so I can deal with that. I did find that the one shoe looked smaller than the other on. Or I have weird uneven feet and have never noticed. But for cute factor 10/10

3. Creepers! Had to get on the creepers band wagon, when I was searching through the Boohoo website I kept looking at them and thinking they were gross but the more I looked at them the more they grew on me! I did originally order the pair pictured and a cherry coloured pair. I had a 7 day dilemma of which to keep and which to send back, I settled with the leopard print as I feel they would bring more excitement to an outfit. Whereas the cherry ones lovely as they were, didn't make quite as much as a statement. 

4. Finally, my beloved fake Lita's! I have wanted a pair of these for ages and ages and ages and now they are mine muhahaha! Everything about them is pefect, they have a platform inside them so they are super duper easy to walk in. They also have a zip up the side so easy to take off after a long night out on the town. I will definitely be ordering more in other colours I love the lilac ones and the lace ones but they were out of stock in my size.. booo! I would be super happy paying the price tag of £35 for these!

I have been a lazy blogger for the past month, due to job changes and mainly sheer laziness! 
But come June I will try to be back to my post a day ways.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, they are all amazing! I haven't been on boohoo for ages so i didn't even know they had creepers and lita's in! XO

